Sunday Worship
Every Sunday Morning:
- 9:30 AM Worship (blended Traditional + Contemporary style)
- Kid’s Sunday School during worship following the Children’s Message (4 years-5th grade)
- Adult Sunday School following worship
We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. Worship is always followed by a fellowship hour – stick around for coffee, treats, and conversation in the Fellowship Hall!
Our Preschool
Our preschool is a unique blend of social play, academics, and learning about God’s love. As an outreach of the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, we assist children to develop spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally through the Love and Grace of Jesus Christ. Learn more here!
A Lutheran Congregation in Everett, WA
Established 1958 - Welcome!
As members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, our mission is to witness, serve, educate and minister to others, bringing to them the message of Grace through Jesus Christ. For over sixty years, Prince of Peace congregation has sought to connect with its neighbors near and far.
“Prince of Peace is a pretty special family and a great place for spiritual growth. I look forward to meeting you in church soon!”
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth. Nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Gib Botten, Pastor