Helpful Links
The North American Lutheran Church
The NALC embodies the theological center of Lutheranism in North America. It is a church body committed to the authority of the Bible as the inspired Word of God and the authoritative source and norm of its proclamation, faith, and life.
Our Facebook Page
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Our YouTube Channel
Watch old and new virtual worship videos, children’s messages, and past livestreams!
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Women of the North American Lutheran Church (WNALC)
Visit the website for the Women of the North American Lutheran Church.
Everett Gospel Mission
The Everett Gospel Mission helps men and women break the cycle of homelessness, poverty and dependence, and live a life of self-sufficiency.
Lutheran World Relief
Lutheran World Relief seeks lasting solutions to poverty and injustice and in doing so, compels U.S. Lutherans to put their faith into action.
Monroe Gospel Women’s Mission - Facebook Page
Dedicated to providing a safe,caring haven for homeless women looking for a temporary place to stay.
Spiritual Orphans Network (SON)
Spiritual Orphans Network works to engage, reclaim, and transform lives by connecting Spiritual Orphans to the global family of Christ.
Moravian Daily Texts
First published in 1731 in Herrnhut, Germany, The Daily Texts grew out of a spiritual renewal of the Moravian Church (Unitas Fratrum) that dates back to Aug. 13, 1727. Today, more than 280 years after its first publication, the Daily Texts continues its promise of “a daily message from God that is new every morning.” The Moravian Daily Texts offers an inspirational connection to the Holy Scriptures every day. Each entry in this beloved daily devotional includes “watchwords”—Old and New Testament verses to accompany readers throughout the day—combined with beautiful hymn texts and heartfelt prayers selected and written by Moravians across North America.
Volunteers of America - Western Washington
Volunteers of America operates two food banks, one serving Everett residents and one serving NW Seattle’s Greenwood neighborhood. Together, they serve almost 200 families per day with a three-day/nine-meal emergency food supply tailored, if needed, with medical, ethnic, and/or infant items.