New to Prince of Peace

Welcome to Our Congregation!

Are you considering joining us for worship? We’d love to see you!

We invite you to explore what Prince of Peace is all about. Feel free to explore our website and contact us if you would like more information or have any questions for us.

We’d love to see you this Sunday! We offer one combined-style service at 9:30 AM.

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We have a spacious parking lot easily accessible off of Burley Drive, including convenient handicapped spaces.

Our building is easily accessible to all, including an elevator.

God is not concerned with what we wear on the outside, but what is in our hearts. Some dress casually, some come in their Sunday best. Come as you are, we want you to feel comfortable.

Children are welcome to be with you during worship, we welcome the joyful noise of kids! We have a small table in the back of the sanctuary available for quiet activities. We also have a Quiet Room (behind a glass window that looks into the worship space) in the back of the church and a nursery downstairs. Children’s Sunday School meets during the service following the Children’s Message, children ~4 years through 5th grade are invited to join us!

We are currently offering one combined-style Worship Service at 9:30 AM each Sunday, where you will notice traditional elements such as liturgy and hymns, as well as contemporary elements such as children’s messages and a worship band with more modern music. For all of our worship we strive to focus on God’s word and the pastor’s message is designed to help understand what the Bible means and how it is relevant to our daily lives. On the first and third Sundays we celebrate Holy Communion and all baptized Christians are welcome to join us.

Connecting with us and making friends

After each service we have an opportunity to visit in the Fellowship Hall over coffee and cookies! We also offer an Adult Sunday school, Teen Bible Study, Confirmation, and other opportunities for discipleship and leadership training, music ministry and many other groups you can connect to throughout the week.

The best way to find out about our upcoming events, see our weekly activities, and read the monthly Newsletter is to check the church calendar (available online) and join our e-mail list, let us know if you’d like to join!

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