Our History

A Lutheran Congregation in Everett Since 1958

As members of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, our mission is to witness, serve, educate and minister to others, bringing to them the message of Grace through Jesus Christ. For over fifty years, the Prince of Peace congregation has sought to connect with its neighbors near and far.


Our Beginnings

Our land was donated by developer Dan Duryee in 1957. He anticipated the needs of a growing community in South Everett, and wanted to make sure a church was part of the equation.

Our Pastors


People Integral To Our Church

There are many people important to the functioning of our church and it’s mission. We appreciate all of our members and volunteers!

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Thanks To Our Members! Going Forth To Serve. 2018.

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Thanks To Our Members! Going Forth To Serve. 2001.

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Praise Team. 2006.

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Executive Committee. 2001.

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Congregational Council. 2001.

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Church.  2010.