Sunday School

Prince of Peace Sunday School

At Prince of Peace we desire to support families as they grow in faith together. In Children’s and Adult Sunday school, we learn about God’s plan of salvation as it unfolds in the Old Testament, in the life of Jesus, and in the growth of the early church, as recorded in the Gospels and Acts. The goal is not only for students to know the stories of the Bible but also and more importantly for them to see how, as baptized disciples of Jesus Christ, they are important participants in God’s story.

See below for Sunday learning opportunities for children to adults!

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Children’s Sunday School

Kid’s Sunday School class meets during the 9:30 AM worship service following the Children’s Message. We meet together and read the main Bible story of the day, discuss the lesson and how that applies to our own lives, and complete a craft related to the lesson every week, such fun! Ages 4 years (must be potty-trained) through 5th grade are always invited!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lauryn in the church office.

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Adult Sunday School

Led by Pastor Gib Botten, our Adult Sunday School meets downstairs each Sunday following worship, starting around 10:40am. As a class, they focus on one book of the Bible or a topical study. Currently, they are working on a manuscript study on the Sermon on the Mount. All are welcome to participate!

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