Worship Services
Worship for Sunday, 3/30/2025
Worship for Wednesday, 3/26/2025
Next Service for Wednesday, 4/2/2025 will be 7 PM Lenten Evening Service
Next Service for Sunday, 4/5/2025 will be 9:30 AM Sunday Worship
Questions or comments about today’s worship? Feel free to CONTACT US!
Children’s Message for Sunday, 3/16/2025
Combined In-Person Worship
The below in-person worship services have resumed. We will continue to offer online Virtual Worship videos above. Masking at PPLC is optional, please be kind and respectful to everyone’s personal decisions on this matter, if someone is continuing to mask please take that as a sign to also keep your social distance. Please continue to self-screen for symptoms of illness and stay home if you don’t feel well!
We look forward to seeing you at worship!
Combined-Style Sunday Worship – 9:30 AM
Prince of Peace offers both a traditional and contemporary Lutheran Worship service in a combined-style each Sunday at 9:30 AM.
The more traditional elements of worship reflect the Lutheran Heritage of classic Hymns, Creeds, Prayers, Scripture, Sermon and Sacraments. Liturgical worship lifts up five elements of worship that have been present in Christian worship for as long as Christians have gathered. These five elements are referred to in the Bible and worship texts dating to the first century: Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, Holy Communion, prayers, and hymn singing. Our contemporary elements of worship are a little more casual and do not stick as closely to traditional format and liturgy, but still adheres to Lutheran theology, liturgy, and sacraments. You will also see contemporary music style with a worship band and more modern music blended in with traditional hymns. This service also includes a Children’s Message preceding the sermon, given by our Director of Children’s and Youth Ministry.
During the school year, Kid’s Sunday School class will meet during the worship service following the Children’s Message. Kids 4 years (must be potty-trained) through 5th grade are invited to attend!
All are welcome to join us and celebrate each Sunday morning!

“For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.”
Matthew 18:20

The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Prince of Peace celebrates the Lord’s Supper at both services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month, and some special services.

In Baptism we hear God’s voice say “you are my beloved child.” We are then marked with the Cross of Christ forever.

After Worship Fellowship
After service we gather in the Fellowship Hall, adjacent to the Sanctuary, for fellowship, coffee, and treats.